Penn and Kim Holderness are reality television personalities known for their appearances on "The Amazing Race." The show returns for its 33rd season on CBS on January 5, 2022. The show was suspended after three episodes of various challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic in February 2020, but the production finished filming at the end of September.
This time the show includes 11 team members. Each team will have 2 members. The interesting part is that every team has a duo that are supposed to be linked together. Some of them are best friends, married couples, or even father and son, who are ready to start their journey of a lifetime together. The host, Phil Keoghan, leads the game.
In case you haven't watched it yet, the show has already aired its 5th episode on the mainstream channel CBS. The next six episodes will air on February 9th, when the remaining travel must be completed by the teams, with the team that crosses the final finish line first receiving a million dollar grand prize.
There are 11 team members for this season, and one of them is Kim Holderness. Let's find out more about Kim through our article.
Kim is a well-known American media personality, actress, content creator, journalist, and entrepreneur. She is best known for her YouTube channel "the Holderness family," where she uploads and posts content with her husband, Penn Holderness, and their two children, Penn Holderness Jr. and Penn Holderness Jr.
Kim Dean Holderness was born on March 27, 1976, in Sarasota, Florida; her full name is Kim Dean Holderness. Kim graduated with a degree in telecommunications from the University of Florida in 1998. She was also a member of the Dazzlers dance team.
In 2008, Kim was a correspondent and a television news reporter for Inside Edition; she even started her own business, a digital marketing agency called "green communications." Apart from that, she has appeared in many TV series, including Homeland in 2012 as a newscaster, and played a role in Iron Man 3 as Kim Dean in 2013.
Penn Holderness was born and raised in Durham, North Carolina. Penn went to college at the University of Virginia and majored in philosophy. For a couple of years, Penn worked as a local sports anchor, an HGTV host, and an ABC sports reporter; after quitting his job, Penn joined Kim's digital marketing company in January 2014, and they worked together.
In 2013, Kim and her husband, Penn Holderness, published Christmas Jammies, a video of Christmas cards intended for their immediate family, which became viral overnight and became famous worldwide; the video got millions of views, and their subscribers increased instantly.
The Holderness Family has an estimated net worth of $1.2 million as of 2022. Pen and Kim Holderness Instagram.
Their YouTube channel now has over 732k subscribers, and the majority of their videos have over a million views and thousands of likes. The beautiful couple started their YouTube channel on September 6, 2011; now, they have multiple YouTube channels for different purposes where they vlog, make parodies, skits, make healthy food, haul videos, and even run a family podcast.
Now they have their own Holderness family production company, and the couple also wrote a book together, "Everybody Fights: So Why Don't Get Better At It? The book was published on March 30, 2021; therefore, the book is rated 5 stars on Amazon.
The lovely married couple first met in Orlando as they worked together in local news; the couple tied the knot in 2005 and now share two children named Lola Holderness, a daughter, and Penn Charles Holderness, a son.
As a public figure, Kim has gained over 69k followers on her Instagram account. She is an internet personality, an entrepreneur, a famous YouTuber, and an actress as well. According to sources, Kim Holderness' estimated net worth is $500,000 and she earns roughly 120K per annum.
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