Clara Stack plays the young Kate Bishop on the Disney+ show, Hawkeye. The new series is based on Marvel Comics superhero, also from MCU, centers around Kate Bishop, who took the role after, Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye (played by Jeremy Renner). Even one of the main cast of the show, Hailee Steinfeld, said she feels lucky to get the role in the iconic series.
Talking with Elle, Haile said, "I watched a ton of videos of Olympic archers and beginner archers. By the time I got to the archery range for the first time, I had this idea in my head of what to do. And I might have practiced in the mirror. [Kate]'s all self-taught. The minute I started training, I was like, 'If she could do it, if she could accomplish all of this by doing it herself, then I have to.'"
Now talking about other cast of Hawkeye, there's another important actor on the series, and it's none other than the young "Kate Bishop," played by Clara Stack. We have compliled some important facts about the actress, so without further delay, let's get to know her.
Clara Stack was born on October 20, 2010 in New York which makes her 11 years old in 2021. Clara appears on the first on the first episode of Hawkeye, the series opens with flashbacks to the battle of New York, and young Kate Bishop watches Clint Barton in action, fighting Ultron's army.
It's a dream come true for any actor to be the part of Marvel's Cinematic Universe, and same goes for Clara Stack as well. Following the role, the 11-year-old actress, to express her excitement, took to Instagram to share a series of behind the scene photos. In the caption, she wrote, "Beyond excited to join the #MCU today... please check out the first episode of [Hawkey] on [Disney Plus]."
Interesting fact: Clara Stack has a twin sister, Maggie Stack, and she is also an actor. Both of their parents, Eoin Stack (father) and Amanda Adair Stack (mother), are proud of their children.
From left: Jonathan Groff (actor), Eoin Stack (Clara Stack's father), and Amanda Adair Stack (Clara Stack's mother). (Amanda's Instagram)
It's still unclear what Clara Stack's parents do, but it seems they have some connections with the entertainment world. Eoin's doesn't have a public profile, but from what we saw from Amanda's Instagram, the Stack family is close with big names in the movie industry.
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